Monday, February 2, 2009

Baby in a basket

Busy weekend for Miss E.  Friday night, basketball game to watch her cousin Ty score big once again, 18 points, and he had the cutest cheerleader in the house.  Then on to a pizza dinner at Mellow Mush with Nanny, Mommy, and Ty Ty.  Saturday it was off to the Jones' for the day, then dressed to the nines in her Burberry outfit to attend an afternoon baby shower for Miss Cher.  She was the only baby in the room, and all of the lil girls couldn't get enough of her.  Back to Aunties for a much needed nap, and then a movie with the gang at the Jones abode.  Sunday was a lay around the house day, while she helped Mommy clean out her closet and fold clothes..or shall I say, play in the basket with toys looking too cute for words while mom folded, and she unfolded.  While Eden was in the basket it made me think about what my mom said Tina and I used to do when we were little, we each had our laundry basket of toys and we would sit in the family room and play for hours, looks like history repeats itself.  Luv to all.

1 comment:

  1. Look at those long legs on the most precious girl in town.
