Monday, October 1, 2012

Sunday with the Cousins

A fun day was had with the cousins!  Heather hosted us at her house in Satellite Beach, so Eden could meet her cousins over a BBQ. 

Lovely day, only downside, Mark had the flu bug, and had to stay inside the whole time, but Eden still got several hours of fun, here are some pics to enjoy.  Swimming, fishing, hide in go seek, playing drums, doesnt get any better than that for Lil E.

The Jaguar stuffed animal, was "Spotty."  Eden's Backpack Buddy from school, comes home with the kids, and gets to have different adventures over a weekend.

Cousins in the pics, Joe (Heather's lil boy); Sadie and Sawyer (Chris's kids)

Lovely home with a pool on the lake, and the bbq, was like being at home, mustard base sauce on the side, it was like we were back in SC.

Thanks to Heather and Michael for being such gracious hosts!  Next time will be even more fun, when Edens Daddy can enjoy the family festivities.

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