Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fun Saturday

Another fun weekend for the Lil E...spend the night party at Aunt TiTis Friday night, so Mommy and Daddy could go look at another architects house...yes we are now on to our second game plan for house design, first design team a nogo....enough about that....our goal is to design and build and be in a new house before the holidays this year...fingers crossed.....

On to more fun stuff...Eden and Mommy had a fun day today...first dance class and then a special trip to the Aquarium where Eden was able to see not only the fishes and turtles, and other marine life..but Dora was there with Boots...hence the attire of the shorts, pink shirt, yellow socks....a lil mini cute....we also saw a 4 D movie, which is why Eden was wearing the very large red glasses...

A three hour nap topped the day off, McDonalds with Daddy and ball time at its Scooby Doo, bathtime and back to beddie bye.

Luv to you all..

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