Monday, December 28, 2009

More Christmas Shots from our lil fashion plate

Christmas 2009

Such a fun day, with so many presents from the family. Thank you all for your thoughtful gifts, although we couldn't be with you all, you were all in our hearts on this special day. Here are some pics, highlight was her ducati motorcycle her Daddy actually bought her last year, but clearly a newborn wasnt quite ready...but this year....her fave gift for sure!

Luv to you all

Festival of Lights Fun

Edens first year at James Island Festival of Lights....highlights were the train ride through the forest of twinkle lights and the Carousel ride. Eden had to ride twice, and if she could she would have stayed all night. A special night with her Auntie, her cousin Tyler, her Mommy, and her Nanny, who coordinated it all.

Classic Santa Pic

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Merry Christmas! Thumbs up to Santa for smiling although being mauled by this precious yet very mad lil elf.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Carolina Opry with the Nanny and the Mommy

Big Show for Miss Eden...she sung, she swayed, she danced, she clapped, and she slept..

Big time in Myrtle Beach at the Carolina Opry, all dressed up in her Christmas best, a good time had by all, even if it rained like cats and dogs, well worth the trip and continuing the annual tradition with Nanny.

Merry Merry Christmas to you all!

Happy Holidays to All!!!

Here are some pics of our lil angel, apologies for being a little lame in posting, its been a busy few months. Mark and Baby E both came down with a case of Swine Flu, luckily both recovered relatively quickly, we were lucky. Looking forward to some downtime over the next couple of weeks!

As you can see, Eden has a new fave hat, she got from her cousin Ty Ty, she is his biggest fan!!

Heres wishing all of our friends and families a very Merry Christmas and a Very HAPPY NEW YEAR!