Saturday, August 15, 2009

Me and MyZIGO

Look at my new bike, its sooooo cool. Mommy bought a helmut that was too big..although I must say I look awfully cute, it wasnt comfy, so I had to take it off, and throw it in the middle of the road...fortunately we were stil in the neighborhood and it wasnt a big deal...and Mommy didnt make me put it back on..I like to feel the wind in my wispy little hair...we had fun, went riding twice today. But whats up with the orange flag?????

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Its just my size......

Look what my Nanny bought me, my very own table thats just my size. I sit and color, draw pictures, have my breakfast lunch and dinner, and do other fun activities, all with my Nanny very close by. I LUV my Table and I LUV my Nanny.

Now this is campin......

Look what Mommy& Daddy got me! My very own cozy little tent to
snuggle & play with all my friends in. It even has a
skylight in the roof. I really don't come from camping stock on
Mommy's side so daddy thought indoor camping might get me
acclimated to the idea of one day actually roughing it.
Naaaaah! He's dreaming.